ILHSA Bylaws
Bylaws of Illinois Homeschool Association
Preamble: Recognizing the need to support families in providing quality education for creative, joyous lives, we, the families of Illinois Homeschool Association. do hereby enact and adopt the following articles:
Article I:
The name of this network is Illinois Homeschool Association (nee: Illinois HOUSE).
Article II:
The purpose of this network is to support families in exercising their right to homeschool regardless of age, color, creed, ethnic background, family composition, financial condition, learning disabilities, race, religion, or lack thereof, sexual orientation, gender identity, or special needs.
Article III: Organization
Illinois Homeschool Association is a network of support groups and families which agree with the stated purpose.
1. The structure of individual groups will be determined by that group with the requirement that any decision-making process must be representative of its active membership.
2. Each group or family will choose at least one contact person to coordinate and communicate with the Illinois Homeschool Association.
3. Each group or family is expected to contribute financially to the network to defray network expenses for membership in the AD HOC Committee for Illinois Home Education Legal and Legislative Matters, and for other operating expenses incurred during legislative activity or other activities necessary to preserve and protect the right to homeschool.
Article IV: The Coordinating Council
The purpose of the coordinating council is to coordinate information and activities throughout the network, establish policy, receive, and disburse funds, and make decisions.
1) Decisions of the Coordinating Council (Council) are made by consensus minus one. Each ILHSA group has one vote on the Council. Each decision may be opened to those present at the discretion of the council.
2) Quorum shall consist of those Council members present at a properly convened meeting.
3) Regular Council meetings:
A) are open to all ILHSA members in good standing and may be opened to anyone else at the discretion of the council.
B) shall be semiannual and may be in person or virtual.
C) Notice of regular meetings shall be sent to Council members at least thirty days in advance.
D) Notification of regular meetings is the responsibility of the host group.
E) All groups are welcome to host regular meetings regardless of their geographic location.
4) Special circumstances may require meetings which do not allow for a thirty-day notice. Council members may call for such meetings by contacting each group with the special circumstances, time, and location of the meetings. Every effort must be made to give as much advance notice as is practical. Notification will be given to each council member, or failing that, the contact person.
5) The council shall choose a representative to the AD HOC Committee. That representative need not be a member of the Council.
6) The Council shall designate a treasurer, who need not be a member of the council.
7) These bylaws may be amended by general consensus of two consecutive regular meetings of the Coordinating Council. The second meeting must consider input from every group, solicited by a designated Council member.
Article V: The Board of Directors
We will have a Board of Directors which will consist of three Directors picked from the Coordinating Council.