Withdrawing From School

Transferring Children From Public School to Homeschool

(This article is not intended to be, and does not constitute, the giving of legal advice)

When parents choose to withdraw their children from public school there are certain procedures that need to be followed. If the procedures below are not followed the school will most likely assume the child is truant.

Step 1: Read and understand the Illinois laws that apply to homeschools!

Illinois Homeschool Law

Step 2: Write a letter to transfer your student

out of the public school and into your own private (home) school. (See our sample letter of withdrawal)

Yes, Please DO name your school. You are a private school now so you need a name! Here are some examples: What is a good name for my homeschool?

Print at least two copies, one for the public school's permanent records and one for your permanent records.

Step 3: Deliver the letter to your child’s school

in a way so that you have proof they received it.

a)    Go to the Post office and mail the letter “return receipt requested” OR

b)    Fax the letter OR

c)    Hand carry both copies of the letter into the school and ask the school secretary to sign and date your copy of the letter acknowledging receipt of the letter.

(Your signed copy or proof of delivery proves the school received the letter. Schools occasionally lose paperwork, as we all do, and this way you can prove your official transfer if there is any confusion.

We do not advise emailing this letter as there is no proof that the letter was received.)

Verbally telling a teacher/school principal/school secretary of your intentions to homeschool is frequently not seen as officially withdrawing your child from school. If the school does not receive written notification from you, you run the risk of not being seen as “withdrawn” and the truancy officer may come to your door.

Step 4: Ask for a copy of your student’s records.

Some schools will not consider a student transferred until their records are sent to the new private school.

On your school letterhead, request a “certified copy” of your child's records and mail it to your child's school “return receipt requested” as above. (See our sample of this letter)


Request a copy of their records and tell the school you will deliver them. If they refuse, please refer them to the federal law known as FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)


If you do not want your child's records you can wait to send a letter of successful transfer until July 31st of that year, but we advise you to do it as soon as possible so you don't forget. (See our sample letter of successful transfer without a request for records here).

What if you have already withdrawn your child from public school and DID NOT use the above procedure or the school contacts you anyway? Please visit the next page!